
Imported polyimide parts have high performance chemical stability, mechanical toughness, natural lubrication and high temperature insulation. It can reduce the weight of parts, extend the maintenance interval or life, and reduce the overall cost by increasing the process uptime. It is an ideal design material with long-term use temperature of -196-300 °C and short-term temperature of 380 °C.

Good performance at high temperatures
Good chemical resistance
High strength, hardness and dimensional stability
Higher operating temperature in air
High mechanical strength, stiffness and creep resistance at different temperature ranges
High UV resistance
High wear resistance
High energy radiation resistance (gamma- and X-ray)
Inherently low flammability

浦城县| 哈巴河县| 松滋市| 肥西县| 彩票| 嘉善县| 房产| 义乌市| 河源市| 金秀| 青浦区| 明溪县| 夏津县| 乳山市| 濉溪县| 商水县| 周宁县| 运城市| 海口市| 阳谷县| 白河县| 尼木县| 茂名市| 金门县| 清远市| 马公市| 万州区| 乌鲁木齐市| 青岛市| 延川县| 珲春市| 岗巴县| 松江区| 松江区| 长兴县| 鹰潭市| 富源县| 宜君县| 丰原市| 通渭县| 梅河口市|